A step by step maturity guide

Savings account maturity process

What to do if your savings account is due to mature

  • Step 1

    We'll contact you

    14 days before your product is due to mature, we'll get in touch by email or post to let you know your maturity options. We'll let you know what will automatically happen to your account. If you're happy with the automatic process, you will not need to do anything else. We'll also detail all other options for you to select.

  • Step 2

    Make your choice

    Once you have received your maturity pack, simply let us know what you would like to do. If you wish to rollover your account automatically, you do not need to do anything. For anything else, let us know! For branch or postal accounts, simply complete and return the form included in your pack. For app accounts, log into the Tipton app to let us know.

  • Step 3

    We'll get to work

    Once we have received your maturity instructions, we'll process these ready for your product end date.