Product transfer made easy
Complete the product transfer made easy form to inform us of your product transfer product selection.
Please complete and submit the following form to inform us of your rate switch product selection, taking care to input your unique reference number and option number for your chosen product. We’ll then send your rate switch paperwork within 3 working days.
If you apply online you are choosing to apply for a product transfer on a non-advised Execution Only basis. This means that you choose the mortgage product yourself and we do not give you advice or assist with your decision.
You should only apply on an Execution Only basis if you are confident you are able to choose a suitable mortgage product. We will not assess the suitability of the mortgage product and the Society will not be responsible for your selection.
Once submitted, we will send you a European Standardised Information Sheet (ESIS) which will include details of your mortgage and chosen product, along with any fees or charges that may apply. If you are happy to continue, you will need to sign and return the documentation.
We must receive your signed paperwork at least 10 days prior to maturity to guarantee your new product is in place on maturity of your existing product. Documents can be returned after this date but may not allow sufficient time to process your product transfer request and your account may revert to our Standard Variable Rate or Buy to Let Variable Rate and your payment adjusted accordingly in the interim.
If your chosen product has a fee and you have selected to pay the fee upfront we will contact you to arrange payment upon receipt of your signed paperwork.
You can cancel your instructions upon receipt of the product illustration without incurring any fees.
If you are unsure which product to choose and would like advice from our Mortgage Advisers, please call us on 0121 521 4046 or complete our Contact Us form to arrange an appointment.
Execution Only product transfer enables you to change your mortgage product. For any other changes to your mortgage account, including change of term, change of repayment type, additional borrowing or transfer of equity, please call us on 0121 521 4088 or complete our Contact Us form.