The Tipton Support Midlands Charities with Over £14,000 in Donations

Adam Evetts
Adam Evetts

Many UK charities have faced challenges during the cost-of-living crisis. The Tipton and Coseley Building Society are pleased to announce a further 12 donations through its Charitable Foundation, totalling over £14,000 in donations to local Midlands charities during 2022.

Twice a year a panel, made up of Tipton employees and members of the community, come together to allocate funds to local charities to help raise educational standards, increase health provision and support the hospice movement. To find out more about the Tipton’s Charitable Foundation visit

During 2022, the Tipton has proudly donated a total of £14,395.45 to local charities. These latest donations will go towards supporting patients through end of life care; installation of piped oxygen around hospices to help children move round more freely; supporting young people with their mental health; providing workshops for cancer patients to share experiences;  support for vulnerable children to understand the process involved in grief and loss through a Child Bereavement service; and much more. The latest 12 charities we have supported are:

  • Leaps and Bounds Trust;
  • St Giles Hospice;
  • Sandwell Advocacy;
  • Look Good Feel Better;
  • Crafting for Communities;
  • Acorn’s Children’s Hospice Trust;
  • Walsall Society for the Blind;
  • Foundation for Conductive Education;
  • The Hospice Charity Partnership;
  • Mentor Link;
  • YMCA Black Country Group; and
  • Impact Training DCFA.

Jon Cottrell, Charitable Foundation panel member said: "The past few years have been a challenging time for charities, with many now worried due to the cost-of-living crisis. Supporting and engaging with our local community is one of the Society’s core principles so we are delighted to announce further donations to local charities which do such a wonderful job in our community.’