You will find the various documents that should be read in conjunction with your Mortgage Offer below.

Of course, if you're still unsure about anything, please do get in touch.

mortgages contact us

Fees assisted remortgages

For further details on our fees assisted remortgage processes including the complaints procedure and Service Level Agreement terms along with details of any non-standard charges that may apply, please click below.

Mortgage tariff of charges

You may experience certain fees or charges during the term of your mortgage. Our mortgage tariff of charges document details these fees and charges and you should familiarise yourself with them before taking a mortgage.

Our key mortgage information

Our key mortgage information can be downloaded below.

Terms for insurance

Guidance notes that should be followed when insuring your property are available for download by clicking below.

Valuation report guidance

Guidance notes relating to the valuation report conducted on the mortgage property can be downloaded below.

Mortgage indemnity guide

Our borrowers guide to mortgage indemnity can be downloaded below.

Terms and conditions for savings accounts

Our terms and conditions for our savings accounts, to be used in conjunction with the Family Assist product, can be downloaded below.

Rules & Memorandum

Our Rules & Memorandum can be downloaded below.

Privacy Notice

Our Mortgage Privacy Notice can be downloaded by clicking the button below.