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Alex Poole

Telephone BDM Supervisor

BN, RH, CT, TN, ME, PO and BH
0121 521 4000

Hardeep Bedi

Telephone BDM

NE, DH, SR, TS, YO, DL, HG and HU
0121 521 4000

Paul Sawford

Field Based Business Development Manager

CM, CO, EN, HA, IG, KT, RM, SS, TW, UB, WD, EC, E, N and W
07395 790267

Debbie Holmes

Field Based Business Development Manager

CV, B, WS, WV, DY, ST, WR, GL, BS, DE, PE, LE and NG
07593 549745

Mario De Wet

Field Based Business Development Manager

TF, CW, CH, SK, S, DN, LN, WA, WF, LS, HX, HD, OL, WN, BL, L, M and BD
07736 887155

Joanna Ridgway

Key Account Manager

AL, GU, HP, LU, NN, MK, OX, RG, SG, SL, SO, WC, NW, SE and SW
07593 557578

Andy Millard

Head of Intermediary

07936 964325

Telephone Business Development desk

0121 521 4000