The Society's 124th Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Notice of Annual General Meeting

The 124th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Tipton & Coseley Building Society will be held on Monday 28th April 2025 at Tipton Building Society, 70 Owen Street, Tipton, DY4 8HG at 5.30pm. The AGM is your opportunity to consider and vote on the following matters: 

Ordinary Resolutions
1. To receive the Director’s Report, Annual Accounts, Annual Business Statement and Auditors Report
  See the Summary Financial Statement for a summary of these items. Our full Annual Report and Accounts will be available from our Head Office, at any branch, at or by calling 0121 557 2551, from 4th April 2025.  
2. To approve the Report of the Remuneration Committee for the year ended 31 December 2024
  This vote is advisory and the Directors’ entitlement to remuneration is not conditional on this resolution being passed. The Directors’ Remuneration Report appears in the Annual Report and Accounts and in the Summary Financial Statement.
3. To appoint Forvis Mazars LLP as auditors
  As a building society we are required by law at each AGM to appoint external auditors who are to hold office until the end of the next AGM. The Board is proposing the appointment of Forvis Mazars LLP as our Auditors for the financial year ending 31 December 2025.
Election and Re-election of Directors
4. To re-elect Alastair Shand
5. To elect Janet Chapman
  When proposing Directors for re-election the Board carefully considers succession, skills mix and the individual contribution of each Director. You can find out more about the Director standing for re-election in the Summary Financial Statement. 

Your Board recommends that you vote for all of these resolutions and the election and re-election of Directors.

By Order of the Board
Mark Ferguson
27th February 2025

The following notes form part of the Notice of Annual General Meeting:

  1. You are encouraged to vote in person by attending the Annual General Meeting. Alternatively, you may use the proxy voting form or go online to appoint a proxy to attend and vote at the Meeting on your behalf. You may appoint the Chair of the Meeting or anyone else as your proxy, and your proxy does not have to be a member of the Society.
  2. Your proxy may vote for you at the Meeting, but only on a poll. You may direct your proxy how to vote at the Meeting.
  3. Your proxy may not speak at the Meeting other than to demand or join in demanding a poll.
  4. If you appoint a proxy and they do not attend the Meeting, then your vote cannot be counted. 
  5. Ordinary resolutions will be passed if a majority of members who vote, vote in favour.